The Best Health Care Systems in Irvine, California: An Expert's Perspective

Irvine, California is renowned for its top-notch health care systems. From Kaiser Permanente Medical Center of Orange County to UC Irvine Medical Center, the city offers a wide range of options for those seeking quality medical care. U. S.

News & World Report has recognized UC Irvine Medical Center as one of the “best hospitals in America” for the past 18 years, with its No. 1 ranking in the nation for gynecology. The Department of Gynecology at UCI Health is a leader in improving care for high-risk pregnancies and has spearheaded efforts to reduce cardiovascular risk, obstetric bleeding and unnecessary C-sections. The gynecological oncologists provide unparalleled clinical care in Southern California and have been instrumental in advancing standards of care for gynecological cancers.

The Department of Urology is nationally acclaimed for its clinical experience and has improved standards of care for men's and women's urological conditions and for kidney, prostate and bladder cancers. They are also pioneers in improving technology for the treatment of kidney stones and kidney diseases. Since 2001, the journal has included UCI Health's programs in urology, gynecology, geriatrics, cancer, digestive disorders and gastroenterology (26%), gastrointestinal surgery, nephrology, orthopedics, and ear, nose and throat among the top 50 in the country. U. News Best Hospitals' methodologies in most areas of care are based largely or entirely on objective measures such as risk-adjusted survival and readmission rates, volume, patient experience, patient safety and quality of nursing, among other indicators related to care.

Patients can access UCI Health at Orange County's primary and specialty care offices and at its main campus, the UCI Medical Center in Orange, California. The 417-bed intensive care hospital offers tertiary and quaternary care, outpatient and specialty medical clinics, and behavioral health and rehabilitation services. UCI Health serves a region of nearly 4 million people in Orange County, western Riverside County, and southeastern Los Angeles County. For those looking for quality medical care in Irvine, California, UCI Health is an excellent choice. With its top-notch programs in gynecology, urology, geriatrics, cancer treatment and more, it is no wonder that U. News & World Report has consistently ranked it among the best hospitals in America.

Kaitlyn Scheider
Kaitlyn Scheider

Avid travel guru. Freelance social media evangelist. Incurable pop culture evangelist. Subtly charming zombie ninja. Award-winning coffee advocate.